For business support with a difference, call me on 01403 741094
“My simple challenge to anyone in any size of business is ‘just ask’.”
Hello. I am Willie Hamilton, a business professional with extensive experience in managing and nurturing business growth, sustainability and culture at every level.
Thanks for taking time to visit my website, you can find more about HamiltON Business by clicking on the icons below, but I’m sure you’ll find out even more about yourself and your own business by calling me on 07810 355716 or emailing [email protected]
For simple, proven, candid and sometimes forthright advice and support make the call, send the email and start to take the steps that will bring you the clarity, purpose and success that you didn’t know could be achieved within your business and within yourself. My simple challenge to anyone in any size of business is “just ask'‘. It can start with a relaxed breakfast meeting, a chat over a cup of coffee, or even a beer in your local pub, it’s always good to talk.
Which of these five scenarios do you recognise and associate with your business?
Mainly there are five key areas where I feel I can bring value. In my experience burgeoning and accomplished businesses owners, usually encounter one or more of these five main conundrums, each requiring a specific approach...
The ‘Me Time’ syndrome
“How do I step back, let go, find some ‘me time’ and release the reins a little while retaining control?”
Becoming more established
“Business is good but I need more core skills, strategy, creativity and leadership to consolidate and grow.
The culture informed growth strategy
“Now is the time to expand and I need guidance. I need someone I can trust who understands my brand and culture, and can create a credible plan for the future.”
“It’s time for the next leader to take over. I need knowledge, experience and impartiality to guide me through the process, avoiding the pitfalls, and keeping everyone on board focused and motivated.”
“Culture is now one of the most important factors in any business of any size. A thriving business, starts from a thriving culture, not the other way round.”
All of the scenarios above are more common than you may think. Each and every scenario will have its own unique set of problems and challenges.
Over many years,I have developed successful methodologies that will help you identify and accelerate the tactics required to get your business back on track or super charge the process of promoting your business to where it should be.